Sinoun, the founder of ShiftWeb Solutions, will be speaking at WordCamp Atlanta for two sessions in April! Come say hi. 🙂
How to Improve Email Deliverability for Your WordPress Website
April 14th – 1pm
Divi by Elegant Themes is hands down one of the best themes ever made for WordPress. It is incredibly powerful, flexible, and easy to use. Because it is the ultimate theme, there are a lot of features that you might have missed. I will go through 10 useful and cool Divi theme features that are hidden in plain sight. Take your Divi knowledge and usage to the next level!
10 Awesome Divi Features You Probably Didn’t Know About
April 15th – 10am
Ever have a problem with receiving and sending emails from your WordPress website? What the heck is SMTP and DKIM? Which solution should you use? Mandrill? Sendgrid? Postmark? The solution seems complicated when researching how to improve email deliverability. I will show how simple it is to make sure emails are being sent out from your website!
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